Monday, July 31, 2006

Family reunions are kinda blah. OK--now God can strike me down for saying I really didn't want to attend this one. First my grandmother, who's as bossy as anybody you know, tells (doesn't ask) but tells my family that we're going to sing a few gospel songs for the Family. Well, we haven't sang together for a year or so and of course I screw up the words and mess up one of them royally. That's what I get for doing it for my mom-ma and not for God. Now he can strike me down again.

John and I didn't do too badly in the horseshoe tourney but we did get beat before the semi-finals but it's ok--I didn't want to be there anyway. Why can't families just get together and play cards? Why does it have to be this middle of the day- heatwave filled event that occurs on your day off, of course? I mean, we're a close family and I see the ones that I want to see usually once a month or more. Who are some of these cousins twice removed four times over people anyway? Poor John--this was his first family reunion as my husband and he would ask "Who's that?" to which my standard response was "I don't know" which is sad.

Oh well, there's a definite deep thought (or song) when you're talking about family--isn't there always?

CHORUS:Got dead cells in my brain.I sometimes act insane. Right now, I'm married;
Hope that won't be changing eventually, oh!
Got post-traumatic stress.
My future's anyone's guess. If you have to, blame my, blame my dysfunctional family.
Baby, don't blame me!

Courtesty of a parody of Ashlee Simpson's "Autobiography" song titled "Am I Right?"
See? it fits her family too.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Wow--it's been a while since I've posted. I go days with nothing out of the ordinary happening and then a sudden burst of excitement and now back to boring days once again--which I'm not complaining about but learning to enjoy!

I had a great time at the Martinsville Busch race this weekend. So many fans are "wreck" fans only--not racin' fans and they were happy. I started getting a bit agitated because while I do like to watch some spins, I'm a racin' fan first and foremost and there wasn't much racing involved in this race. I was also a little disappointed in the lack of souvenir hauler type stuff. While the race was well-attended, I guess I expected a lot more in the way of other than racing stuff. But I'd definitely go back and can't wait for the October races!

I won't even start on my Tony Stewart rant because that just gets me going and I'll think about it for a while and I really don't want to do that because he's not worth it! Although, I will use him in my deep thought for the day:

You know one thing that will really make a woman mad? Just run up and kick her in the butt. P.S.: this also works with men.

That's what he needs-- a good swift kick in the *** . OK I'm almost starting again so it's time to close this box!! :)

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Blogger has been acting up lately so I wasn't able to blog....that's my story and I'm sticking to it.


I'm getting the stuff together tonight to head to Martinsville this weekend for the Busch race. My dad will be joining us for his first NASCAR race so I'm excited about that. Of couse, he'll probably hate it and will never go with us again but at least he's trying it out this go around. Don't get me wrong, he watches it on TV if he's home but John's dad liks racing too but hates the crowds and the "busyness" of the track I think. It's so cool to have someone to go with you and tailgate but so few of our friends and family actually go to races (usually it's the money because it's so darn expensive!)

Deep thought for the day:

If you ever go temporarily insane, don't shoot somebody, like a lot of people do. Instead, try to get some weeding done, because you'd really be surprised.

That just made me laugh today--and it probably would anyday.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Today I am posting about T-Tapp. I started T-Tapp in January of 2004. It really works if you do it--which I know from experience. I've used T-Tapp to lose 3 dress sizes while eating at buffets and indulging in way too much ice cream.

Here's an excerpt from the website:

T-Tapp is a series of copyrighted, sequential movements designed to put the body in proper functional alignment. Its special sequence of comprehensive, compound muscle movement helps establish better alignment as well as increased strength and flexibility of the spine, better neuro-kinetic flow, lymphatic function, and increased metabolic rate. Its physical therapy approach to fitness makes it safe for those with shoulder, hip, knee, neck, and back concerns.

This workout is hard! It is very strict in it's form requirement but wow--does it pack a punch. I love it and since I've been doing it consistently for only the last 2 weeks, I've already lost more inches and my clothes are fitting better. Love it!

Just wanted to post about something near and dear to my heart. The people I've met on the T-Tapp forums are friends for life and I'm so glad to have found this exercise.

Friday, July 14, 2006

I was wondering if Jeff Gordon owns NASCAR, since they won’t penalize him when he rams someone in the hind end and wrecks them. Maybe we should just stop watching NASCAR.

That excerpt came from one of the caller's into the infamous Charleston Gazette's Readers Voice. The Readers Voice is a column where you gripe and complain and call in about whatever the heck you want to.

I've always wondered what made some people agitated enough to actually call in. I mean, what? Gas prices are up to $3.50/gallon??? Doggone it, I'm calling the Readers Voice to complain. That should get something done about it. Good grief people....

People who call in to the Readers Voice are probably the same people who give NASCAR it's stereotypical persona as rednecks and yes, I think they should stop watching NASCAR. If for no other reason then they're not a Jeff Gordon fan! :-) (as an explanation, I'm not like that because I do love the diversity of all NASCAR drivers--I'm just being sarcastic)

Anyway, one good thing about this particular call to the RV and the numerous others that I find funny in a sick, sad way is that they are great segways for my deep thoughts!

The wise man can pick up a grain of sand and envision a whole universe, but the stupid man will just lay down on some seaweed, and roll around until he's completely draped in it. Then he'll stand up and go, "Maybe we should just stop watching NASCAR."

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Still nothing exciting to report. Tomorrow's might be better since I'm going to see Superman Returns tonight...or not depending on the movie.

Yesterday I had a renal ultrasound. Nothing wrong, just mostly preventative since my grandmother had kidney cancer that is of the hereditary kind. That was some weird experience. I go in the room, which is dark and cold, and I lay on my left side first. She puts that goop on my side and what I called a big napkin under the waistband of my pants to keep from getting said goop on my pants. Then she says.."deep breath and". Green? I assumed that meant go and I let out this whoosh of breath. I guess the universal green sign was ok because she didn't tell me that I wasn't supposed to breathe out. Then the bad part. I'm such a short torso, I have a total of 2" between rib and hip bones, she has to take the pics through my ribs. This means she had to push for all she was worth and nearly cracked my ribcage! She told me I might bruise and/or be sore, which I am a little but nothing too bad.

The good part is that I was done before my scheduled appointment time and could go home for the day! I took like a 2 hour nap that was just heavenly.

Deep thought for the day:

I wish I had a kryptonite cross, because then you could keep both Dracula and Superman away.

Just in case Superman isn't all that good tonight....

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Today is an eh day. Anyone have those? Not too bad but nothing great either. Which means I don't have anything to blog about really. At least I've got the good ol' deep thoughts to rely on.

It's easy to sit there and say you'd like more money, and I guess that's what I like about it. It's easy, just sitting there, rocking back and forth, wanting that money.

This just kinda cracks me up in a sick, sad sort of way.

Sorry this is so short--but I really AM a boring person. Of course my old English teacher would say "Only the boring are bored." to which my response is--"Only the ugly are ugly".

Monday, July 10, 2006

Well, since I've been whining so much on my blog lately I thought it was about time to tone it down and celebrate.


OK, so it wasn't exactly how I would wish a win for him but it was so sweet regardless. First off let me say that I like Matt Kenseth. Had Jeff spun out Tony Stewart, I would be wholeheartedly 100% ecstatic but because it was Matt--I was actually a little less excited about Jeff's first win at Chicago because of the fan reaction and because I knew I'd never hear the end of it on Monday. I seriously hate conflict so much that I worried all night that Nascar would review on Monday and penalize Jeff on Tuesday for something or other about that wreck. *sigh* such is the life of a die hard Nascar fan. Oh and btw, I was right--I got 2 calls this morning and a visit from the boss complaining about Gordon's wrecking everybody out there and how he would do anything for a win....uh yeah. So would any of the drivers out there.

So for today's deep thought I'm going with this one:

You know one thing that will really make a woman mad? Just run up and kick her in the butt. P.S.: this also works with men.

because Jeff totally kicked butt at Chicagoland!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

It's a Monday again. Seriously, why do holidays HAVE to be set in stone for a certain day? OK, so it shouldn't really be July 4th on July 3rd but for us poor, working folk that absolutely have to be here on a Monday before a holiday (that's on a Tuesday) and can't get off--well, coming back on Wednesday is just like starting all over again without even having a weekend thrown in there to compensate. Geez, you'd think it'd be ok to celebrate Independence Day on a Monday--even if it is July 3rd.

I blame Greg Biffle. Hee hee.

OK, now I'm done again and can move on to my deep thought--

If you're robbing a bank, and your pants suddenly fall down, I think it's OK to laugh, and to let the hostages laugh too, because come on, life is funny.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Stupid Greg Biffle.

There I said it. My husband has decided that with Mark Martin leaving the Cup series that he's going to go with the awe-inspiring skills of one Mr. Bug Eyed Dummy Biffle. This same husband was feeling the pain for this decision on Saturday night.

There--now that my rant is out I can revert back to my normal, rational self. It's Daytona. I know that close racing is just that...racin'. I also know that Greg just got loose and didn't intend to wreck anyone at all and that Yeley was just a part of this racin' instance. But doggone it all, it's not like a 24 fan has had too much to be thankful for the last couple of years and he was doing GREAT at the race and his pit stops didn't screw up the car so badly that he was out of when he gets wrecked out with just a few laps to go you can understand the frustration.

But Jeff will rebound and so will I. No deep thought today but I'll leave you with Jeff's comments and then my own.

"I don't know if we had a shot at (race winner) Tony Stewart, but we had a shot at the top four," Gordon said. "It was cut short by guys being stupid."--Jeff Gordon

"Stupid Greg Biffle."--Juanita