Monday, October 02, 2006

So today is Oct. 2 and I'm starting my newest walk down the weight loss journey brick road (again). From last September 9 to now I've lost around 40 pounds, although I haven't really lost any for several months so today I'm vowing to jumpstart the weight loss again.

What is my plan?

T-Tapp I'll do a full workout every other day if it kills me. For all the readers- a full T-Tapp workout works all muscle groups and typically lasts around 45 minutes. I've used T-Tapp for nearly 3 years and lost 4 dress sizes doing it all the while eating junk. This program works!

Low carb and low fat diet. While I'm not eliminating carbs, I am going to go by these limits: Fat = <40 grams per day. Carbs = < 100 grams per day. Protein = >90 per day. Calorie count in the 1200 to 1500 range daily.

I'm hoping that my husband recovers soon enough so that he can join me and we can make this a family goal since we both need to lose weight and get healthy.

Wish me well on this journey but just in case I don't succeed--

"Broken promises don't upset me. I just think, why did they believe me?"


At 8:14 AM, Blogger NineCats said...

Congratulations on the weight loss! Keep up the great work, I know you'll reach your goal.

At 11:02 AM, Blogger Juanita said...

Thanks Warren. I wish it were as easy losing it as it was putting it on!

Good to see you!


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