Friday, June 30, 2006

Today is a good day.

My Nuggie fixed me up with an eye appt. that I've been meaning to get but never did. I had lunch with a good friend that I haven't seen in ages and a meeting I attended this morning went over better than I would have expected. Isn't life great?

Funny story--yesterday a co-worker and I were walking out to our cars for lunch. We're both softies and love nature so when this cute little nestling bird was out on the pavement we walked over to it to ooohhh and ahhhh over its cuteness.

This little bird was barely out of the nest and wouldn't fly away when we approached so we assumed it was hurt or something. When we were seriously within 1' of the thing, it flew straight up in the air so again we were like "oh, how sweet". Well, the little bugger flew right at our heads! We had to duck out of the way with our hands over our head for protection. Was it finished? Heck no, it did this dive landing like some dodo bird does and then flies up again straight at us. Well, sweet murmurings soon turned into "that crazy bird needs to learn how to fly!" It reminded me of a race. The first few laps are give and take or the "ooohhhs and ahhhs" parts but the last laps are the "You $#%^&@ --learn to drive!".

Anyway, it was pretty fun and I got a laugh out of the sitch afterwards. My co-worker was just worried about dookey in her hair while I feared for my life!

So here's my deep thought:

“I don't like small birds. They hop around so merrily outside my window, looking so innocent. but I know that secretly, they're watching my every move and plotting to beat me over the head with a large steel pipe and take my shoe.”--Jack Handy


At 3:16 PM, Blogger Nuggie99 said...

Which is better, this or this? I hate eye appointments.


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